What our Customers say...

Commercial Testimonials

A burst pipe almost shut down my office for the whole week, but SERVPRO arrived instantly with the manpower and supplies to get everything cleaned up and in working condition within a few days! Definitely pleased with the service they were able to provide. 

When my office was struck with water damage I found SERVPRO online and after a short phone call, they got a crew of people over to handle it all. I was really pleased with how efficiently they worked! 

When I needed someone to cleanup my newly built home I found SERVPRO of Peekskill, Ossining. They were there shortly after I called and took care of the mess left behind by the builders. I'd definitely trust them again to cleanup my home. 

When flooding from the business next door to us entered our office we were confused on what to do. Luckily SERVPRO was already next door and able to help us at the same time. They doubled down on equipment and crew members until the water was gone and the area was all dry. Would definitely recommend them in the future.